EnhanceYour life With
Step into the world of Yoga!
We Teach Yoga at your door step (Customized one on one sessions) , Group sessions, Studio Sessions & Online Sessions!!

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
Traditional yoga is a lifestyle to be lived 24×7, not just for an hour on the mat
- Variations of Shivanand suryanamaskars
- Posture correction
- Strengthening body exercises -Flexibility
- Instant relaxation techniques IRT
- Breathing techniques
- Improves overall core strength
- Improves digestion & metabolism

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
- Loosening practices
- 84 Yogasanas
- Variations of Ashtanga suryanamaskars
- Mantra chanting
- Kriyas
- Deep relaxation techniques DRT
- Improves concentration and brightenes eyes & body
- Disease free body & purification of nadis. Improves lung capacity

About the Class
Why you need lifestyle modification
The WHO statistics say that 80% of the adult population in the world is suffering from one or more lifestyle disorders.
You have an 80% chance that
you will suffer from one or more lifestyle disorders if you pursue an unhealthy lifestyle at some point in your life.
It matters because you may end up spending 80% of your entire life savings on
medical bills.
Chronic lifestyle disorders drain money from medications, hospitalization, surgery & loss of wages due to illness
High Cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, high BP, dementia, cancer, stroke, heart attack, kidney disease and some more.
How do we do it?
Our unique“DASH” program will
transform your life & rejuvenate your body & mind. We believe that these are the four essential pillars of a lifestyle change.
D- Diet
A - activity
S - stress management
H- Habit transformation

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
- Preparing to meditate
- Cyclic meditation
- Devotional music
- Mediation and silence
- What meditation is not
- Witnessing your mind
- Mantra japa
- Being in the present moment
- How to deal with mind, Experience calmness & peace
- Chanting Omkar, Divine mantaras and Symbolic meanings of gods
- Feel Fresh & lightn by expansion of mental blocks
- Pranic Energization techniques PET
- Mind & sound resonance techniques MSRT
- Deep body relaxation techniques
- Improves concentration, Enhances divinity, purity & truthfulness.
- Brings in moderation of the senses & right use of energy

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
- Guided meditation
- OM chanting & bajans
- Story telling
- Right breathing exercise
- Loosining practices
- Basic Yogasanas
- Easy pranayam techniques
- Yoga Nidra
- Enhances concentration and memory power, develops strength and flexibility
- Overcome Pre & Post Natal Stress and Anxity

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
How to manage & cure illness like
mentally physically & emotionally balanced
- Cervical spondylitis
- Yoga exercise for eyes.
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Anxiety
- Desperation
- pranayama technique
- Easy asanas practice
- Sleep and digestive desorber
- Freedom from chronic pain

About the Class
You Will Be Learning
All pranayama should be preferable in a comfortable sitting position preferably sukhasana ( easy pose)
Four aspects of pranayama
1- Pooraka or inhalation
2- Rechaka or exhalation
3- Antar kumbhaka or internal breath retention
4- Bahir kumbhaka or external breath retention
the pranic body
Annamaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Pranayama kosha,Vijnanamaya kosha, Anandamaya kosha
- relaxing Food pipe and wind pipe observation
- Sectional Breathing
- Bhramari ( pranic humming control)
- Sitkari, sitali
- Nadi shodhana or anuloma- viloma ( psychic network purification)
- Bhastrika pranayama
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Chandra bhedana
- surya bhedana
- Thoracic breathing
- Clavicular breathing
- Yogic breathing.
- Breathing exercises
- Preparations
- Kriya - cleansing techniques
- Kapalbathi
- Neti, Dhouti, Nauli, Trataka - Viparitakarani,Sankhapraksalan, pavanamuktasana kriya

About the Class
Traditionally, bandas were classified as part of Mudras and were handled by word of mouth from Guru to disciple. The Hatha yoga pradipika Deals with bandas and Mudras.
- Jalandhara bandha (Thorat lock )
- Mula bandha ( perineum contraction)
- Uddiyana bandha (standing abdominal contraction)
Yoga in your Fingure tips
Where and when can you practice mudras.
Using Mudras to heal physical complaints and emotional problems
Some minor mudras
CIN mudra
cinmaya mudra
adi mudra
Brahma mudra
Nasika mudra.
Shambhavai mudra
Khechari mudra
Prana mudra
Ashwini mudra

About Sanjay
“Many people ask me why I would ever want to be a yoga instructor. The answer is simple: I truly LOVE what I do. I love the work, I love my students and I love feeling as if I am making a difference in people’s lives.”

Please feel free to contact me by phone or Whatsapp, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.